Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Can I lose 30 pounds this way before September 1st

Can I lose 30 pounds this way before September 1st?
okay, hi! so, im hoping to lose weight this summer before school starts again in August (but i really want to lose 30 pounds total by September). I haven't started weighing myself yet, but this week i have started a plan to help me get started. So far, I have been eating a simple breakfast of cereal im the morning approximately at 9:00 A.M. As for other meals throughout the day, i need help...i try not to indulge in unhealthy foods or snacks as best i can, but i never know what to eat. my mom has helped me buy fruit that i like so that, instead of chips or something, i can eat that. around 6, my whole family goes on a high paced walk (3.7 miles) around San Marino area (which takes us about 1 1/2 hours). after that, we usually have a fruit salad. so i just want to know what is a good balance of food for lunch and dinner, and if you think my plan will work or not. i really hope to get more healthy over summer, so i want to hear what you have to say :) thanks!
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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1 :
Rather then saying "I want to lose 30 pounds", tell yourself - I want to get healthy and fit. Listen to your body, if you're hungry you should be eating, never starve yourself. When hungry, eat something healthy that will fuel your body because that's what food should be used for. If you feel you've over indulged in food, wait an hour for your body to digest the food and then work out harder then you normally would work out to burn excess caloric intake. If you are eating healthy and exercising, you aren't going to be fat and you should look fit - think of it that way. If you are eating junk or eating too much and not getting enough exercise - your body is going to reflect such. The high paced walk is good. You may want to add some weight training in along with the cardio, it's best to do a combination of both. Also, I'd suggest changing up your exercise routine from day to day so that you don't get bored of it and also so that you can challenge your body because your body will become used to a routine if you do it daily and it won't improve further. For lunch, try salad. Darker lettuce is better for you then iceberg lettuce which has no nutrional value. Avoid croutons and bacon bits. Don't add extra cheese. Instead of creamy dressing, make a healthy home made salsa and use that as a dressing or squeeze lemon or lime juice on top of the salad. For dinner, try salmon or grilled chicken. Good luck